Archive for the School stuff Category

Thoughts on the book ”World of Warcraft: Cycle of hatred”

Posted in School stuff on december 20, 2010 by blogghatare

This book is one of many set in the world of Warcraft, and tells a story about humans’ and orcs’ hatred against each other. The only thing holding the races from plunging into war is their respective leaders, Lady Jaina Proudmoore, mayor of the human settlement Theramore, and Thrall, Warchief of the Horde. And they respect and trust one another with their life. This is pretty much what our own world could need, strong, witty, independent leaders to hold their people back. In a world where prejudice and hatred rule there can never be peace. This is obviously fiction though, no leader has ever been as respected by everyone as Jaina and Thrall, but still, this is not a totally unrealistic situation. Of course, power corrupts, but in this book, the leaders rely heavily on their second in commands and they both have trusted advicors to lean on.

In Sweden, we have no real need for this kind of leadership, here it works quite well. But in the middle east, and dare I say it, the US, it would be cool to see a righteous leader with the balls to tell his or her people when enough is enough. This is ofcourse wishful thinking, but it still makes you wonder, why do people hate each other so much? And why are the righteous people always so oppressed or weak minded that they let themselves be pushed aside?

Please comment with your own thoughts, as I’m tired of writing now 😛

For the Horde!

Peace 😀

Blog Assignment 2

Posted in School stuff on november 29, 2010 by blogghatare

Thoughts on the video hosted at

Some of this stuff I already knew, but that it was this bad, I didn’t know. Of course the problem is worst in America, but the thing is that many countries actually want to be like America for some strange reason. It can’t be this bad in Sweden, no one I know is wasteful, mainly because it is actually an expensive lifestyle. I go by the philosophy to buy high quality stuff when I can afford them, if not, I just wait until I can. The reason, of course, is that high quality things do not break as easily, and do not have to be replaced as often as cheap junk. The main parts of my computer is four or five years now, and they still work like a charm.

I do think that all the groups working on fixing this problem will eventually turn the tide somewhat. In many places, not least here in Sweden, corporations are planting one or even several new trees for every tree they chop down, and hydrogen will soon take over the energy industry to power cars, houses and really anything.

People just have to buy less shit all the time. And maybe buy some of the stuff from sources like fair trade and the like, many drops make a river.

What I do know is that planet earth have survived far worse disasters than we humans can possibly create. Like comet crashes and floods and volcanic eruptions, covering the whole planet in toxic gases.

So yeah, it is all a bit hyped. I mean it is a problem, sure, but when we are all dead and gone, the planet will heal itself sooner or later. Not that we will know, but still. =P


Thoughts about the article ”Snooping Bosses”.

Posted in School stuff on oktober 5, 2010 by blogghatare

Here is the article in question: ”Snooping Bosses”. It was quite interesting, but still unnerving. I think it’s fascinating how far people will go to control others around them. Normally I despise all attempts made at controlling other humans, it’s just not anyones right to do that. Privacy is a human right, and a damn important one at that.

However, if you do decide to post things that might prove harmful to your company without reason, then why do you even work there? Then, it might be legit to scold you, or even fire you, if it happens to be THAT harmful.

But then again, when employers start monitoring your private life, at home, it’s really gone overboard. Badly. Sure, you’re not supposed to surf for porn at work, and sure, an employer has to have some intel about what you’re doing, in any case, the job has to be done. But if a lowly peon can’t check his mail or call home, then why should the workmaster have the right to snoop around at your house?

It all boils down to power. Why shouldn’t you have the right to make a joke about your boss, or about his/her spouse? What’s the big deal? Come on, we’re all adults, not ten year olds playing  on the schoolground, a bit of slack would be nice with that burger, thank you.

And other types of surveillance is even more f*cked up, like in public, what if I’m under legal protection, and doesn’t want to get filmed? And why in the first place, there are two reasonable reasons. One: Power over People. And two: Paranoia. Or maybe a combination of both, I don’t know, but it’s stupid anyway. Just because it’s cheaper than hiring watchmen to patrol or something like that. Greedy bastards.

Well, that’s all for today, I’ve grown tired of this article now, thank you very much.
