Blog Assignment 2

Thoughts on the video hosted at

Some of this stuff I already knew, but that it was this bad, I didn’t know. Of course the problem is worst in America, but the thing is that many countries actually want to be like America for some strange reason. It can’t be this bad in Sweden, no one I know is wasteful, mainly because it is actually an expensive lifestyle. I go by the philosophy to buy high quality stuff when I can afford them, if not, I just wait until I can. The reason, of course, is that high quality things do not break as easily, and do not have to be replaced as often as cheap junk. The main parts of my computer is four or five years now, and they still work like a charm.

I do think that all the groups working on fixing this problem will eventually turn the tide somewhat. In many places, not least here in Sweden, corporations are planting one or even several new trees for every tree they chop down, and hydrogen will soon take over the energy industry to power cars, houses and really anything.

People just have to buy less shit all the time. And maybe buy some of the stuff from sources like fair trade and the like, many drops make a river.

What I do know is that planet earth have survived far worse disasters than we humans can possibly create. Like comet crashes and floods and volcanic eruptions, covering the whole planet in toxic gases.

So yeah, it is all a bit hyped. I mean it is a problem, sure, but when we are all dead and gone, the planet will heal itself sooner or later. Not that we will know, but still. =P


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